Our Products

IoT System

IoT-based fire safety systems use sensors and other devices to monitor the environment for signs of fire. These systems can detect fires earlier than traditional fire detection systems, which can give people more time to evacuate the building and can help to prevent fires from spreading.

Our IoT System includes: 

Exit Sign

Emergency Light

- Other Products 

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AI System

AI-powered fire safety systems use artificial intelligence to detect fires earlier and prevent them from happening in the first place. These systems can monitor for potential fire hazards, such as overloaded electrical circuits or leaking gas lines. If the system detects any of these hazards, it will send an alert to the building's occupants and maintenance staff.

Our AI System includes: 

Smart PCCC

- Customized AI

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Contact us today to learn more about how our AI and IoT system can help you keep your people safe.

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